Our chimney surveyors are able to provide you with the most appropriate flexible liner size and quality to meet your requirements. Flexible chimney liners come in many sizes and of different qualities; covering single skinned flexible liners suitable for class 2 gas and oil appliances and double skinned stainless steel chimney liners suitable for class 1 gas fires and solid fuel appliances.
We use two grades of multi fuel double skinned stainless steel liners for our installations:
When professionally installed by our knowledgeable approved engineers you can ensure that this chimney lining method will provide you with a reliable and guaranteed lining system, that is signed off under Building Regulations through Hetas and Gas Safe.
With our extensive knowledge we can provide accurate professional assessment of your flue way, ensuring that the largest possible flue lining size is achieved, aiding your desired working fireplace opening.
Our first-rate flexible chimney liners are installed for wood burning stoves, multifuel stoves, open solid fuel fires, boiler flues and large gas fires.